
This is a standard list of materials as used by WRAP for kerbside collections. The top categories are listed with individual items that are typically allowed for that type of materials. The relevant material stream and colour (typically used for on-street signage and colour coding) are linked to the material categories.

Category Item Material stream Colour
Cardboard cardboard
Cardboard egg boxes
Cardboard fruit and veg punnets
Cardboard sleeves
Cereal boxes
Corrugated cardboard
Food and drink cartons
Toilet roll tubes
Foil foil
Aluminium foil
Foil trays
Glass glass
Glass bottles and jars
Metal packaging
Drinks cans
Food tins
Metal lids from glass jars
Paper paper
Brown envelopes
Junk mail
Shredded paper
Telephone directories
Window envelopes
Yellow pages
Plastic bottles plastic bottles
Household cleaner and detergent bottles
Plastic milk bottles
Plastics drinks bottles
Toiletries and shampoo bottles
Plastic packaging household plastics (without film)
Carrier bags
Food pots and tubs
Margarine tubs
Plant pots
Plastic pouches
Plastic trays
Plastic wrappers
Yoghurt pots
Textiles textiles
Food waste food waste
Bread, cake, pastries
Dairy products - cheese and eggs
Raw and cooked fish and meat including bones
Raw and cooked vegetables including peelings
Rice, pasta, beans
Teabags and coffee grounds
Uneaten food and plate scrapings
Garden waste garden waste
Grass cuttings
Prunings and twigs
Household waste household waste
Mixed recyclables mixed recyclables

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