Project progress

Check your answers

Here's a summary of your answers. Please make sure you've answered each question fully before submitting your reporting form.

Tell us how your project has progressed in Q2
We spoke to local residents about the plans to include a community garden and received positive feedback.
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Has your project changed since your original project monitoring update? Please provide details.
It is anticipated that additional time is needed to develop the detailed design which is likely to delay commencement of works on site.
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What challenges do you expect to face in the next 6 to 12 months?
Building works are likely to start 8 weeks after initially scheduled which may delay overall project timeframes.
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Tell us about any milestones you expect to reach in Q3 (October - December 2022).
We will finalise the detailed design plans and start building works on site.
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Do you require additional support from the Levelling Up Fund team?
Can you provide a photographer to take photos of the building work for the local newspaper?
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Upload supporting documents
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